Auburn is working on the 2nd Hand!

Auburn is working on the 2nd Hand!
War Eagle!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Hammond for Hope Foundation

My brother, Chris Hammond, accepted the award for the Hammond for Hope Foundation as it won the Philanthropic Foundation of the Year! I am so proud of him! Debra Arnold, who is without question, a organizational force of nature did an amazing job with Chris this past year. The foundation was nominated by the Savannah Speech and Hearing Center and it is such and honor.
If you didn't know our little brother, Sean, was born profoundly deaf. That handicap has brought alot to our lives including many amazing experiences. Sean, Crawford (my sis-in-law) and myself were there from the family to 'cheer' Chris on-we all knew in advance that he had won.

This year Colonial Quilts is putting together a cookbook of recipes that we've collected at club meetings, via web submissions, and from the staff. This cookbook will be published at the beginning of 2008 and sold online and at the shop with all proceeds going to the Hammond for Hope Foundation. We hope to put a little more in for the hearing impaired children.
HFH is a local foundation that developed an outstanding library at the SS & HC, ,the only one of it's kind in the region, has awarded college scholarships to deaf students from the Savannah area, donated money to the Oral preschool at the SS & HC assisted with replacing hearing aides after Hurricane Katrina, assist hearing impaired children with supplies in school when needed, support a summer camp for hearing impaired children and so much more. It is a Non-Profit organization (501-3c) so feel free to donate money or your favorite family recipe for our cookbook. Just email us your recipe at with your name, city and state. If you'd rather not have your name listed just tell us, that's ok too.

We are also look for a catchy and meaningful title for that very same cookbook.....

We are doing TOYS FOR TOTS too!
There is something for everyone at CQ right now. We received our TFT box in the mail and when I opened it I was quite disappointed to see that I did not get a Marine to go with it. I understand that they are quite busy at this time, but still. I did call the contact person, a very nice staff sgt and he and another marine dropped around with posters and what not. The SSGT offered to leave the other Marine (I think he was worried!) when I inquired about my missing Marine. We are having our 2nd Annual Christmas Stocking Challenge and this year you can opt to donate your stocking to be donated to the TFT booth in the mall where it can be sold and the money used to purchase additional toys-or filled and given to a child. Just make a stocking from fabrics purchased here at CQ and return it to us by the 16th of November. They will hang around the store and then go to the wrapping booth in the mall with our Marines. How cool is that!?

Well, if that isn't more option. We are all getting ready for Thanksgiving. I know I am. I also know that I have to send out Christmas Cards. So, this year sign an extra one or two or a box of ten. ( I personally am just buying an extra box of cute cards and my family and I are signing them together after eating that big Thanksgiving Dinner together while we watch football) Bring them into us and we will bundle them all together and on December 17th I will take them to the post office (or ups) and send them en masse to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, DC. Just address it to "An American Hero" or something else positive for these young men and women who have done what was asked of them and been injured and as a result will be spending the holidays in the hospital. If you know me I've come close to spending a couple of holidays there myself-not too much fun and my family was close at hand. After all it is the season of giving-giving love, hope, of time. It is the little things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo SIS. Like the Blog spot.


T Shirt Quilt

T Shirt Quilt
This was a huge quilt! commissioned by a client for her daughter for Christmas. Ho Ho Ho