Auburn is working on the 2nd Hand!

Auburn is working on the 2nd Hand!
War Eagle!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Just another day in...the Quilt Shop

Goodness! with coupons for a discount on class supplies flying around the internet (via our Weekly Thread) classes are filling up and people are having a blast! Marcia is teaching a class called Brickworks and it seems to be turning into a fav!

Carole is working on a beautiful quilt on her Gammill longarm machine. It is in holiday colors. Marlene just finished up two twin sized quilts for a client too. Very 30's and scrappy.

We found out that a dear friend of the shop's mom is quite ill and is facing possible brain surgery. She's a tough lady and has been through quite alot this year with her family. Our thoughts and prayers are with her...

All the shop grandkids are growing like weeds! Bette's youngest grand-girl Kathryn is having a birthday in mid-October. They grow up in a blink of an eye.

Me? The hubby is out of town and I am scrapping ceilings, priming and painting.... I have some sore muscles! Can't wait til he gets home! Just another week.

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T Shirt Quilt

T Shirt Quilt
This was a huge quilt! commissioned by a client for her daughter for Christmas. Ho Ho Ho