Auburn is working on the 2nd Hand!

Auburn is working on the 2nd Hand!
War Eagle!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Quilting and College Kids

Today is the 17th! 6 months ago today our first grandboy was born to Kit & Katie. He's precious and has the best parts of his mom and dad. His mom is sweet and laughs easily and is generally a happy person. His dad, my son, was born a nose and grew into it-Jonathan got Katie's nose-whew!!! Jonathan laughs and laughs, he is a happy little guy that is growing like a weed! Kit & Katie are in different colleges and doing what seems to be a good job of co-parenting and are working things out between themselves. That is a tough job at their young ages. I am proud of them both-Katie works, goes to school full time and has Jonathan. Kit is in the National Guard, goes full time and helps with Jonathan. God bless them all.

I'm sending not 1 or 2 but 3 commissioned quilts to Marlene today to be quilted. 2 are Minnesota Hot-Dish quilts done in muslin/30's fabrics and scrappy and one is a UGA/sorority t-shirt quilt. Pretty cool if I say so myself. Carole is out of town and this kind of custom work isn't really her favorite thing. She told me the other day she sure was glad I didn't have any more kids-she was finishing Trey's t-shirt quilt.

It was the smallest (96 x 108) of the 3-smallest being a relative term mind you. I was supposed to go see him this weekend at college but he is going on a pledge retreat so we'll stay home. But, now he's away from home and sick for the first time-His older brother survived being sick and so did his sister. He will too. Just the first time is always hardest on the moms I think.

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T Shirt Quilt

T Shirt Quilt
This was a huge quilt! commissioned by a client for her daughter for Christmas. Ho Ho Ho