Auburn is working on the 2nd Hand!

Auburn is working on the 2nd Hand!
War Eagle!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Store has been decorated...

The stockings have been a Marine at the Mall in the Toys for Tots booth and are for sale... But the Christmas Tree is lit in the store and the garland is up. The hot tea is on, so is the cocoa is that is your prefered beverage, or flavored coffee. (We have an awesome coffee company!!! Yummmm....
The kids are winding up the semesters of school, finally. It will be nice to have them home for a few days. They come and go quite quickly. Trey will be home just a couple of weeks and then back to school Sandee just a couple of weekends, since she is working at school. Kit is still finding himself.
We have sales going on at the shop until the end of the year on our Berninas! What a great time to get one! (can't mention prices, sorry ladies it's against my contract with Bernina) Ask Santa for one. I sat on Santa's lap just the other day! We went on a TOY RUN-via motorcycles-here in Savannah and it was so well done! Kudos to the Abate club that put it together. They did an excellent job!!! Thanks to the Savannah-Chatham Police that assisted they were awesome as well and to the Wingmen's Club that allowed us to land on their clubhouse-it was great and the band was really terrific. I just wish I knew the name of the band. I'd love to catch them around town. The really were that good. Bikes as far as the eye could see-we had Abercorn blocked from Armstrong to Victory Drive on a Saturday Morning!!! What a hoot!
What good things are all of you up to doing?

Paula is gearing up for her stint managing the H & R Block office just down the street. If you have a Non-Profit Organization, you need to talk to her!!! She has an awesome way for you to raise money. Bette has been working feverishly on machines and is right on track to have them all home by the holidays. Doesn't that make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside???

I have a group of Brownies coming to CQ on Saturday to make purses out of fabrics that we dyed a couple of weeks ago. They are so enthusiastic. What a great group of girls they are. We had such fun and made such a mess!

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T Shirt Quilt

T Shirt Quilt
This was a huge quilt! commissioned by a client for her daughter for Christmas. Ho Ho Ho